Welcome to North Idaho

To live in a place other people dream of visiting is incredible. Through the lens of my camera OnLocation North Idaho will bring you a slice of life as we know it in the Idaho panhandle. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Huckleberries - Idaho's purple "gold"

The mountains of the Coeur d'Alenes are known for an abundance of native huckleberries, the official state fruit of Idaho. Sunlight enhances production, so the best berry picking is usually found along abandoned logging roads, in areas where timber has been harvested or where forest fires have occurred. When venturing into the forest, it's good to remember bears like berries, too. High in carbohydrates, they're one of the primary food sources for grizzly and black bear. George and Betty Poteet have a cooler full of huckleberries at their produce stand on Government Way between Dalton and Hanley in Coeur d'Alene. Betty tells OnLocation North Idaho that her regular berry suppliers report a bumper crop of berries and of bear sightings this year. So be careful out there or just stop by Poteet's produce stand and buy a bag of purple "gold."
*more info on huckleberry picking is on The Guide to North Idaho link to the right.

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